Statement on Elementary Speech Therapy program

We have heard parent concerns regarding the speech therapy program at the Elementary School and we recognize them. At the same time, we would like to take a brief moment to clarify some erroneous information that has been put out there about the program.

First, this is not a budget issue. No budgetary issue, no matter how big or small, would ever stop us from carrying out our number one priority: supporting our students and preparing them for the future. Our former elementary speech therapist was contracted through an outside agency and took a job elsewhere. That agency has had difficulty filling that position. A new therapist has been hired by the outside agency and will start on December 18th. However, we have been told by the outside agency that a short-term replacement will be in the district on Monday, December 11th. That short-term replacement will work with the district until the new therapist begins December 18th.

All sessions that students have missed so far this year will be made up.

Our district is, has been, and always will be committed to serving the needs of all of our students. Our teachers have received extensive training in a variety of areas involving special needs students, our Special Education department was commended as recently as 2015 by the New York State Department of Education following an audit, and our district is on the cutting edge in the field of inclusive education.

If you have questions or concerns about your child’s education, we encourage you to contact your building principal or the Superintendent’s office. We are always here to listen and improve.


Dr. Timothy Mundell
Superintendent of Schools