
Guidance available for schedule changes Aug. 28 to Sept. 1

Guidance Counselors will be available for students to adjust their schedules from Monday, Aug. 28 to Friday, Sept. 1, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Students will also be able to adjust their schedules after school begins, from Thursday, Sept. 7 to Thursday, Sept. 14.  The last day to add or drop a class will …


From the principal: New staff, new bell schedule for this year

Dear BKW Parents and Guardians: I trust that you are all enjoying the summer season. It seems like it was just a few weeks ago we were in the midst of winter. Before we realize it winter will be back with us. Therefore, it is important that you get to soak up some sun and …


‘The time is now’ – Board hears financial, academic reasons for capital project

BKW needs to capitalize on favorable financial conditions to provide better facilities for our students, Superintendent Dr. Timothy Mundell told the BKW Board of Education at its July 31 meeting. After a detailed presentation on how improved building conditions correlate to increased academic performance, Mundell noted that because of BKW’s near-80 percent state-aid ratio, and …


Ferraino, Hanley, named val and sal

Michelle Ferraino named valedictorian Michelle Ferraino will attend Fulton-Montgomery Community College In the fall, after earning the top academic spot in the Class of 2017. Michelle says that BKW holds a special place in her heart. “I’m going to miss so much about this school. I’ll miss my friends, my teachers – the whole BKW …


Vincent inducted into National Technical Honor Society

Taylor Vincent, a BKW student in Building Trades I class at CTE, has been inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. To be honored, students had to meet several criteria, including earning grade point averages (GPA) of 92 or greater at Career & Tech and an overall GPA of 85 or greater at their high …


BKW student part of state champ ‘We The People’ class

BKW senior Edwin Lawson and his teammates in the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School (CTE) and Questar III New Visions: Law & Government program are state champions in the “We The People: The Citizen and the Constitution” competition. For the third consecutive year, the high honors program won the state-level “We The People: …


Four-legged friend to help BKW students

Students are about to em-“bark” on a wonderful journey at the Secondary School. This month, Maggie, a ten-month-old black Labrador retriever, will begin her career as a therapy dog at BKW. Maggie is currently taking weekly classes with other therapy dogs and next year will take a test in order to become a certified therapy …


BKW secondary school receives results of lead testing

As you may be aware, recent legislation requires public schools in New York to test for lead in all water outlets. This notice is to inform you of the results of our water testing with the assistance of a state-supported laboratory. Of the 98 water outlets throughout the secondary school, only one was found to …

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