
Our call to action “They Are Because We Are”

When Class of 2018 valedictorian Marcy Forti spoke at graduation, she acknowledged the role others played in her success. She told the audience, “I am because you are.” Those words remind the entire BKW community that we must live into our roles—whether as teachers, parents, fellow students, administrators, or community members. We must act, knowing …


BKW Elementary—Code of Conduct

Student Rights To: Learn in a positive school community  Be treated with respect and dignity Have a clean and safe school environment Student Responsibilities Follow the student code of conduct Tell an adult if there is a problem Contribute positively to the school community Parent Responsibilities Send children to school ready to participate and learn  …


Safety First—Meet our SRO Nate Bray

Visitors to BKW Schools will find an unfamiliar, but reassuring person walking our halls—our new school resource officer Albany County Deputy Sheriff Nate Bray. Deputy Bray began on the first day of school this year. His role is three-fold. He mediates student and family issues, educates students on drug and alcohol awareness and bullying, and …


District to seek new technology specialist

BKW Central School is preparing for its next step in advancing the district’s technology following the unexpected announcement that Technology Integration Specialist Lisa Cala Ruud is leaving in late August to become an Assistant Principal at Hudson City Schools. “We are obviously disappointed to lose someone of Mrs. Cala Ruud’s caliber, but we understand her …


Universal Pre-K Information Night to be held March 6th

The Berne-Knox-Westerlo Universal Pre-K (UPK) program is now enrolling for the 2018-2019 school year. Parent Information Night will be held on March 6th from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Registration for UPK will be held March 21st-23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You can sign up for registration at Parent Information Night or call …


Statement on Elementary Speech Therapy program

We have heard parent concerns regarding the speech therapy program at the Elementary School and we recognize them. At the same time, we would like to take a brief moment to clarify some erroneous information that has been put out there about the program. First, this is not a budget issue. No budgetary issue, no …


Teachers and parents talk about the importance of the Capital Project vote Nov. 2

Berne-Knox-Westerlo teachers and parents talk about the importance of the upcoming Capital Project vote on November 2nd. “This building is in real need of repair and real need of upgrade,” said Dr. Timothy Mundell, District Superintendent, while talking about the Elementary school. “I just know that the times have changed,” said BKW parent Rebecca Miller. …


Superintendent: building vote on Nov. 2 an important, exciting opportunity

Dear BKW community, It is good to be back into the school routine. September was a busy month with school opening, many after school activities and open houses. The District has a great deal of energy and it is exciting to watch. The most exciting task before us as a school community is the proposed …

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