
Kindergarten teacher marches in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Hey BKW Community: We have exciting news to share with you all. One of our kindergarten teachers is marching in the 2021 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which airs Thursday from 9 am-noon on NBC-TV. Dylan Moss will be marching as a Silly Sailor Clown. Look for him after the Disney Cruise Ship Float cruises across …


Exploring the world from their BKW classrooms

How do people in other countries greet each other? What do they eat and what are their family meals like? What about people right here at home? BKW’s second grade classes took a virtual field trip last week to the World Awareness Children’s Museum in Glens Falls to participate in their program, “Me in My …


Tree by BKW Explorers 4H group brightens festival

The BKW Explorers 4H group joined in a tree decorating party in Knox on Sunday, Nov. 21, as part of the Helderberg Family and Community Organization (HFCO)’s Hope and Peace Community Festival of Trees. “Our 4H group decorated with head (emojis), hands (their hands), heart and health (red cross), and four leaf clovers (4H symbol),” …


Veterans Day lessons focus on history, writing and gratitude

Why do we get November 11 off from school? BKW’s seventh grade students recently dedicated a day to examining this question. “In social studies, they learned about the history of Veterans Day and discussed stories about their family, friends and loved ones who served in the military,” said social studies teacher Emily DeNovio. “In English …


BKW is launching ParentSquare to connect with our families

Berne-Knox-Westerlo School District is using a new app called ParentSquare for parent/guardian notification emails, texts and app notifications. ParentSquare is a parent engagement tool that will help our schools easily communicate and collaborate with parents.  ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number as listed in the …


District suspends Saturday COVID testing, weekday testing done by appointment

The Saturday COVID-19 student testing clinics previously offered at BKW have been suspended due to lack of use. Instead, student testing will be offered weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment. If a student experiences COVID-19 symptoms, the student should stay home and the parent may contact the child’s respective nurse to make …

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