School meals will continue to be available to all students, including those attending school in-person and those learning remotely.
Meals onsite
For students onsite, meals will be provided while maintaining appropriate social distancing between students. Students do not need to wear face coverings when seated and eating so long as they are appropriately socially distanced.
The district will ensure social distancing between individuals while eating in the school cafeteria. If not feasible, meals may be served in alternate areas (e.g., classrooms) or in staggered meal periods to ensure social distancing and proper cleaning and disinfection between students.
The sharing of food and beverages (e.g., buffet style meals, snacks) is prohibited, unless individuals are members of the same household. Adequate space will be reserved for students, faculty, and staff to observe social distancing while eating meals.
All meal components will be included in student meals (meat/meat alternate, fruit, vegetable, whole grain, & milk). Substitutions will be accommodated for medical reasons only.
In-Person Student Meals
- Breakfast K-6: Prepackaged grab and go meals at school entryway or in classroom. For entryway distribution, food service staff will keep track of the number of meals distributed. For classroom distribution, teachers will keep track of the number of meals distributed.
- Breakfast 7-12: Prepackaged grab and go meals—students perform hand hygiene before entering the tray line. Each student enters the tray line one at a time, grabs their meal, and goes. No pin pad is used to check out. Cashier will use a student roster to check off meals. Students eat in designated classroom.
- Lunch K-6: Students eat in classroom; boxed meals delivered to classrooms by cafeteria aid. Student and/or teacher/parent will fill out a lunch form every Monday with student’s lunch selections for the week (Google Forms or paper). Alternate options available to accommodate allergies and provide variety. Also, prepackaged foods will be utilized more for food safety which will reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Student hand hygiene to be performed in the classroom. Desks to be disinfected by student and/or cafeteria aid. Additional garbage cans and frequent disposal will be necessary to accommodate increased use of single-use packaging.
- Lunch 7-12: The school will offer staggered meal times. Hand sanitizer will be available before entering the tray line. Posters or signs will be posted to remind students/staff of hand hygiene. Students will enter the tray line one at a time to maintain social distancing. Hot meals and grab and go meals will be available. Reusable trays will not be used. Single-use packaging will be used for food safety. Pin pad will not be used, the cashier will use the roster to check off student meals. Students will sit in the cafeteria in marked-off areas to maintain social distancing. Tray line will be wiped down and disinfected after each tray line by kitchen staff. Cafeteria aids will be responsible for disinfecting tables. Additional garbage cans may be necessary due to increase in garbage due to single-use packaging.
- Hybrid Schedule K-12: Students who are in school will receive meals as stated above under “In-Person.” Bagged meals will be sent home with students for the days they are remotely learning.
- Remote Learning K-12: Delivery or contact-free meal pick-up; model that was used during closure will be used. Recommend continuing with the distribution of 5 days’ worth of food with pick-up or delivery 1 time per week. Recommend a contact-free pick-up model to conserve resources.
Meals offsite/remote
- Offsite meal delivery will follow the model that was used during last year’s closure. Five days worth of meals will be distributed once each week. A contact-free pickup model will be utilized to conserve resources.