A message from Dr. Pitterson

October 15, 2018

Dear BKW Parents and Guardians:

Now that the school year is well on the way I am able to give you an update of how things have been thus far.

All our students are now fully immersed in their academics. However, we have only just received our NYS grades seven and eight assessment scores which were promptly sent out to you. We are currently using the results of these assessments to schedule some students into English or mathematics academic intervention classes. If warranted, you will see a change in your child’s schedule to reflect their need for additional support in mathematics or English. Thank you for your support in having your child participate in these assessments as they provide us with valuable information on the progress that your child is making as well as the instruction that is being provided. To this end these assessments are vital to any necessary instructional improvements that we need to make to afford your child the best educational experience.

In an effort to continue finding more ways to keep the lines of communication between you and the school open, including with students, all students will be given a monthly newsletter on topics pertinent to their age. A copy will be posted on the website to aid you in your discussions with your child. I will also be hosting two or three informal meetings with parents. The first one will be on October 25. We will provide coffee and something sweet. A copy of the flier entitled “BKW Morning Coffee” is attached. Please come with any questions or concerns that you may have and I will do my best to answer them.

I am looking forward to meeting you. As always, you may call and leave a message for any of your child’s teachers or for me if you have any question. We do know that you are busy and may not have the time to come in to the building so the telephone line of communication or email will continue to be two options at your disposal.


Mark A. Pitterson, Ed.D.
Secondary School Principal