- Students participating in all Special Education class programming/services, (integrated co-teaching classes, consultant teacher services, resource room, etc) will attend school in-person. The school will facilitate remote instruction for any student who requires it due to COVID-19 symptoms or exposure, for those who are deemed medically vulnerable.
- Individual goals will remain worked on and closely monitored. Progress monitoring of goals will continue, with regular reporting sent home quarterly.
- Collaboration and communication between teachers, providers, and parents will remain essential. Providers/teachers will maintain documentation of student engagement and parental communication.
- Whether remote or in-person all students will continue to receive required modifications and accommodations, including assistive technology, per their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
- Related services (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy LP, Psychological Services) will be provided in-person. Therapists will work closely with parents and teachers to ensure individual needs are addressed and met.
- Continued collaboration with the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) program providers to ensure continuity of services and supports for eligible students.
- In response to concerns about alternate day programming expressed by some of the parents of 7-12 students with disabilities, we are offering parents the option to choose daily live instruction for students with IEP’s in grades 7-12 that attend in-district classes.
For all questions or concerns regarding Special Education contact: Susan Sloma, Pupil Personnel Director Susan.sloma@bkwschools.org