
Bus Pickup

Students will wait for their bus at their designated stop. Unauthorized changing from one bus stop to another bus stop is prohibited. Students will be picked up and dropped off from the same place each day during the school year unless prior arrangements are made. as listed below.

Student behavior at the bus stop is the responsibility of parents or guardians. Students are expected to be courteous and to respect other people’s property at all times.

Prior to the bus approaching a pick up point, students will form a line in an orderly manner/fashion without shoving or pushing one another.

Buses are not permitted to stop while on route for parents whose child has missed the bus at the regular stop.

Bus Safety Rules

The driver has responsibility for all students while entering, riding, or leaving the bus. Students are expected to behave, follow the driver’s directions, and not distract the driver. The following are examples of prohibited behavior:

  • Fighting
  • Using profanity, yelling, or distracting the driver
  • Changing seat while the bus is in motion
  • Damaging the bus seats (writing on, puncturing or cutting the seats, etc.)
  • Placing any part of the body outside the bus
  • Eating/drinking on the bus without special permission
  • Possessing, using or being under the influence of any performance altering substances, drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco
  • Possession and/or using vaping devices or e-cigarettes
  • Possessing and/or using any type of weapon
  • Littering and/or throwing objects

An object that can be placed on the lap of the student and does not protrude into the aisle is permitted on the bus. Live animals, glass containers, and large objects (tuba, cello, skis, etc.) are prohibited.

Changing from one bus to another bus is prohibited unless the main office grants an exception. Requests for students to ride another bus to a party, lessons, meeting, sleepover, etc. will generally not be granted. The District’s responsibility is to safely transport students to and from one location for educationally related activities.

When approaching or departing the bus, all students who have to cross the road to or from their home must exercise extreme caution. Cross at least ten feet in front of the bus in full view of the driver (students should be able to see the driver’s face), wait for the driver to signal before crossing, and never retrieve dropped objects or return into the path of traffic.

Parents are discouraged from requesting to pick up students off the bus while the bus is en-route.

Bus Discipline

Students who violate the bus rules will be reported to the transportation supervisor. A Student Discipline Report Form will be completed and sent to the building principal. Disciplinary action will be taken by the principal according to the Code of Conduct. Removal from District transportation, either short term or long term, is a potential consequence.

Bus Passes

A written note/request is required for a bus pass to be given. Requests for a pass require a reason, parent/guardian signature, and a phone number for confirmation. Texts are not a note. Phone calls need to be received BEFORE prior to 1 PM to grant a bus pass and will only be given in EMERGENCY emergency situations. Bus passes are required to ride the late buses at 3:20 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). They must be obtained from the supervising teacher and if taking a different bus home, the student must bring the pass and parent note to the office for a new late bus pass.