Host homes needed for exchange students

The ASSE International Student Exchange Program is looking for host homes for high school students from other countries for the spring semester. Exchange students are 15-18 years old and come from countries including Italy, France, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Germany, Brazil, Thailand and China.

Individuals or families interested in learning more can visit ASSE International’s website at or may contact Chasity McGivern, Capital Region and Eastern New York area coordinator, at (518) 470-9094 or 1-(800) 677-2773, or email her at

BKW is currently hosting Cameron Goss, a high school junior from Australia. Cameron has participated in indoor track, track and field and cross country, and she loves the closeness and caring of the BKW school community. Cameron said she “would highly recommend the experience of being an exchange student at BKW to anyone.”

Our communications team interviewed Cameron during practice recently. View the video.

Cameron Goss standing in front of BKW track