- At least 2” Binder
- Pens & pencils
- Loose leaf paper
- Dividers
- Pencil pouch with holes to be put into binder
- Scientific calculator TI 30X IIS
Algebra 8 CC – Mrs. Rogers
- 1” binder
- Pens (blue or black) or pencils
- Loose leaf paper
- 5 Dividers
- Graphing calculator TI 84 (optional)
- Approximately $3 for Review Book
English – Mr. Goebel
- Folder
- Loose leaf paper
English – Mrs. Snyder/Mr. McKillop
- Folder
- Loose leaf paper
- 1 Composition book
- Pen or pencil
- 1 Box of tissues
Social Studies
- Folder
- Loose leaf paper
- Pens & pencils
- 1 ½ – 2” Binder
- Loose leaf paper
- 2 folders for storing work
- Pens (blue or black ink ONLY) & pencils
- Four function calculator
- Colored pencils
- Check payable to BKW $16 (for Science review book)
- 1 Subject notebook
- Heavy duty 2 pocket folder
- Pencils
FACS – Ms. DelSette
- 1” Binder or two pocket folder
FACS – Mrs. Daviero
- $10 cash or check (made out to BKW) for sewing project
Spanish I
- Two pocket folder
- Loose leaf paper
- Black & blue pens
- Pencils
- 1 Box of tissues
- Corded ear buds
Physical Education
- Shorts or workout pants
- T-shirt or workout shirt
- Sneakers (NO hiking/work boots)
- Combination lock for locker
- Two pocket folder
- Loose leaf paper
- Pens & pencils
- Standard of Excellence Book 3 (Green book) for your instrument
There will be no summer reading this year.
We advise each student to keep a lock on their locker that must be rented from the main office. Locks are $5 and should be returned to the office at the end of the year for the $5 refund.
An agenda book will be provided by the school district.