
Siblings of students with COVID-19 symptoms excluded from in-person classes

Effective immediately, the Albany County Department of Health has advised K-12 school districts to exclude siblings of symptomatic students from attending in-person classes pending COVID-19 test results of the symptomatic student. This means that brothers and/or sisters of a student who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should also stay home until that student’s test results are …


Virtual Pre-K Info Night is Feb. 1

Attention Parents: A Virtual Pre-K Information Night will be held on Monday, Feb. 1, at 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending virtually, please contact Diane Dibble in the Elementary School office. Your child must be 4 by December 1, 2021, in order to be eligible for Pre-K.


Still time to take the Winter Reading Challenge!

Attention BKW Elementary students: There’s still time to take part in Mrs. Keyser’s Winter Break Reading Challenge! Use BKW’s online student reading app SORA and complete all 9 reading challenges to be entered in a prize drawing. The completed reading challenge is due back to Mrs. Keyser by Jan. 7. Happy reading!


BKW schools to reopen for in person learning Jan. 4

Dear BKW school community, The purpose of this message is to affirm that our schools will reopen for in-person learning tomorrow, January, 4, 2021. Unless staffing shortages require all-remote learning or there is evidence of broader virus transmission in schools, our schools will remain open for in-person learning. We will continue to work with our …


BKW COVID notification – Jan. 3

Dear BKW parent/guardian and staff, The administration has been notified that a member of the BKW Elementary School community has tested positive for COVID-19. The person last worked in the district on Dec. 23, 2020. We are currently working closely with the Albany County Department of Health to identify this individual’s contacts within the district. …

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