
Order your school supplies on Yubbler’s

Dear Berne-Knox-Westerlo Elementary Parents/Guardians: We are excited to offer Yubbler’s school supplies program which will help the school and make it a breeze for parents to get school supplies for next year. is making our supply lists available for online purchasing at discounted prices. The best part is that Yubbler will donate 50% of the profits …


Hybrid learning inspires awesome project

During a school year marked by hybrid learning due to the pandemic, a BKW Secondary School teacher was inspired to “do something a little different” with his students, resulting in a project that taught them a wide range of skills and produced an awesome end product. Students in technology teacher Joshua Baker’s Transportation Systems class …


Apply for fall 2021 Bulldog Club

BKW Elementary School is currently accepting applications for fall 2021 Bulldog Club, an afterschool enrichment and homework support program. All students in grades K-6 are welcome to attend; however, spots are limited and fill quickly. To sign up, parents/guardians should complete the Bulldog Club application and return it to  Mrs. Dibble in the Elementary main …


2021 Summer Reading program at local public libraries begins

With the end of the school year, the New York State Education Department and the New York State Library are encouraging students and families to participate in the annual Summer Reading program. Over 1,100 public libraries and branches are now open and ready to offer fun and exciting summer events and enrichment activities for students …


American Rescue Plan (ARP)-ESSER funding plan

Dear BKW Staff and Community, The 2021-22 enacted state budget includes language requiring local education agencies, such as school districts, that receive funding from the Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP-ESSER) to post on their website a plan by school year of how …


NHS, NJHS offering free school supplies

The BKW Chapters of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society will be giving away FREE school supplies for any students who need them. Orders are being taken now for the supplies, all of which have been donated to this not-for-profit service project. To get free supplies, complete the online order form (link) …


Superintendent/Board of Education take first steps to implementation of CRRSA and ARPA funding

The BKW Superintendent and Board of Education took significant steps this week toward implementing federal funding through the Coronavirus Recovery and Relief Stimulus Act and the American Rescue Plan Act. They did so June 21 by appointing key staff to advance previously developed coursework to a more fully integrated delivery within the system, as well …


2021-22 Secondary School Supply Lists

Here are the Secondary School Supply Lists for the 2021-22 school year: Grade 7 7th grade School Supply Lists 7th grade Downloadable List Grade 8 8th grade School Supply List 8th grade Downloadable List High School Grade 9-12 School Supply List Grade 9-12 Downloadable List

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